I'am AbhiShek Shah
ML/ AI Engineer



AbhiShek Shah

I'm AbhiShek

I'm a full stack Python developer with a strong background in Machine Learning. I currently work as a Machine Learning Engineer, where I develop advanced AI solutions. My passion for how machines can interpret data has driven me to continuously expand my knowledge and skills in this field.

With a deep understanding of Python, JavaScript, and modern web technologies, I have successfully delivered numerous projects. I am particularly interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs).

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my projects on GitHub.


Professional Skills

Full Stack Python Dev | JS | ML Engineer | AI | NLP | LLMs

Python Dev
ML Engineer / Data Analytics
Product Build


Here are some of the projects I have worked on, showcasing my experience and skills in machine learning, software development, and deployment.


Contains four ML Projects that I've worked on for my internship at CODSOFT.

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CNN Binary & Multi-Class Classification

Contains my project code for two CNN models, one for binary classification while the other for multi-class classification, utilizing the CIFAR-10 dataset.

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Project Codebeing

This is my college major project. I've trained a LLama model for code generation capabilities and deployed it using a React-based website on Vercel.

Software Dev-Salary Prediction

In this project, I've created a fully functional ML-based salary prediction web app and deployed it using Streamlit.

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Machine Learning Intern

I was certified for successfully comopleting all the tasks given to me during my Internship tenure at CodSoft.

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Python Programming - From Basics to Advanced Level

I was certiified for successfully completing all the tasks and learning materials related to advanced concepts of Python Programming.

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AI/ML Mentorship Recognition

I was awarded this mentorship recognition from my college for working as a ML Mentor during ML training for a week held by ACES.

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Expert-Level Typing

I was awarded the expert level typing accolade for successful passing the expert typing test with an avg.speed of 70wpm and accuracy of 90%.

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Exploring Docker

I was awarded this certification after successfully completing all the tasks and study materials related to Learning Docker.

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PyScript Fundamentals

I was awarded this certification after successfully completing all the tasks and study materials related to PyScript Fundamentals. This is an effective method for effecient web apps.

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If you have any questions or just want to say hello, feel free to mail me! would love to hear from ya :)

Mail me > www.abhishekshah007@gmail.com
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